Acket wint Europese ProCarton / ECMA Award 2011!
Tijdens het internationale ECMA congres in september jl. werd bekend gemaakt dat Acket drukkerij kartonnage bv twee keer genomineerd werd voor de ProCarton/ ECMA Awards van 2011. Één nominatie betrof de De Ruijter Specials verpakking in de categorie ‘other food’, de andere de Aqua Care verpakking van Elho in de categorie ‘other non-food’.
Op het ECMA Food Safety Seminar op 26 oktober 2011 in Brussel werden de winnaars bekend gemaakt, waarbij aan Acket de ProCarton Award 2011 in de categorie ‘other non-food’ werd toegekend voor de Elho Aqua Care verpakking.
Aqua Care was launched as a new product in the DIY and Garden/ Horticural supermarkets
in September 2010, Elho is an important and innovative supplier in this market.
From the beginning of the Packaging-development Acket was involved in the project. Other parties were Daniel Zonneveld, productmanager at Elho and HCGP for the graphic design. Elho was responsible for the basic idea, Acket did the development of the structural design and this design was used by HCGP to originate the graphics.
The main ideas behind the carton are the maximum visibility of the product, a construction that follows the shape of the product as much as possible , enough printing space for a maximum of communication and a solid manner of hanging the product in the display. Competitive products do not have packaging at all and are not suitable for self-service or just have a plastic bag.
It took 6 months in total from briefing to market. The launch of the product was very succesfull and as well retailers as consumers are very positive.